1. Residents
  2. Cemeteries

Burial Arrangements and Fees

Arrangements for opening and closing a grave site can be made through the respective funeral home. However, if a family wishes to make the arrangements in person, please visit the Cemetery Office at 203 Maple Hill Drive.


Family members or loved ones should have the following information before arriving:

  • Name of Cemetery in Which Deceased Will be Interred
  • Funeral Home
  • Full Name of the Deceased
  • Age of Deceased
  • Date of Death
  • Date, Time, and Location of Funeral or Memorial Service
  • Location of Property*
  • Owner of Property*
  • Burial in Maple Hill Cemetery does not require a vault

*If this information is not known, it can generally be ascertained through our records.

After all the necessary information is recorded and the interment form is signed, an interment fee must be paid prior to the grave being opened. Maple Hill Cemetery requires 24-hours advance notice on grave openings. Burials are not permitted on City-recognized holidays.


Interment of a casket (weekdays before 3 p.m.) $850
Interment of a casket (weekdays after 3 p.m.) $950
Interment of a casket (Saturday) $950
Interment of a casket (Sunday) $1,200
Interment of cremains (weekdays) before 3 p.m. $450
Interment of cremains (weekdays) after 3 p.m. $550
Internment of cremains inside a Lawn Crypt (weekdays before 3 p.m.) $850
Internment of cremains inside a Lawn Crypt (weekdays after 3 p.m.) $950
Interment of cremains (Saturday) $550
Interment of cremains (Sunday) $650
Disinterment of a casket (non-lawn crypt) (allowable on weekdays only) * $2,000
Disinterment of a bottom lawn crypt * $4,000
Disinterment of a top lawn crypt * $2,000
Disinterment of cremains * $500
Excavation to determine vacancy of a burial space $200
Installation of a corner marker (per marker) $5
Marker foundation fee per square inch (minimum charge $100) $.50
Monument layout only fee $20
  • Sounding fee $10 for first space, $5 for each additional space (no charge if in connection with burial)
  • Traditional and cremation space property transfer fee $60 for first space, $30 for each additional
  • Lawn crypt property transfer fee $50 for first, $25 for each additional
  • Mail fees $30 overnight and $7 for certified
  • Administrative transaction fee (lineage and genealogy research) $50
  • *All disinterments are subject to the approval of the cemetery director








  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Cemetery Department

    203 Maple Hill Drive

    Huntsville, AL 35801

    View Map

  • Email:


    Tara Sloan

    Cemetery Director

  • Hours:

    Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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