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Showers Center Summer Camp Registration

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Event Details:

Date March 15, 2022
Time 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Cost $55
Categories Dr. Richard Showers, Sr. Recreation Center, Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation


Registration is open now-Wednesday, May 16 for summer camp.

Details: $55 per week, per child (June 4-July 27; no camp week of July 2)

7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Activities include sports, arts and field trips

Ages 6-12

Register in person at 4600 Blue Spring Road, 35810

Questions? Call Johnnie Rice at 256-851-4001 or email him at johnnie.rice@huntsvilleal.gov

Showers Recreation Center

4600 Blue Spring Road
Huntsville , 35810
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