Vote by Absentee Ballot
A municipal election for City Council and Board of Education candidates will be Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. Registered voters have until Aug. 20 to apply for an absentee ballot by mail. Aug. 22 is the last day for a voter to apply for an absentee ballot in person. Aug. 26 is the last day to apply for an emergency absentee ballot.
Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Aug. 26 and received by noon Aug. 27 to be counted. Voters can also hand-deliver their ballot to an absentee election manager by close of business on Aug. 26.
You may vote absentee if:
- you will be absent on election day
- you are ill or have a physical disability that prevents a trip to the polling place
- you are a registered Alabama voter who is temporarily living outside the county (such as a member of the Armed Forces, a voter employed outside of the United States, a college student, or a spouse or child of such a person)
- you are an appointed election officer or poll watcher at a polling place other than your regular polling place
- you work a required shift – 10 hours or more – that coincides with polling hours
Mail the completed application to:
Shaundrika Edwards
Election Manager
P.O. Box 308
Huntsville, AL 35804
Questions? Call the Huntsville City Clerk’s office at 256-427-5427 for more information.