The City’s cemeteries function not only as historic landmarks but also educational tools in educating Huntsville’s children. Third graders throughout Huntsville learn valuable lessons in history, geography, and manners through Maple Hill and Glenwood Cemeteries.

This ongoing program, sponsored by Earthscope, teaches children about Huntsville history by introducing them to residents of Huntsville long ago. As the children visit the gravesites of these noteworthy citizens, they listen to audio tapes that tell about their life and the contributions they made to the area.

In addition to a history lesson, the children learn how to use a compass, the significance of the symbols on the tombstones, and basic cemetery etiquette. The children complete their field trip with a tombstone rubbing that they take with them.

  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Cemetery Department

    203 Maple Hill Drive

    Huntsville, AL 35801

    View Map

  • Email:

    Tara Sloan

    Cemetery Director

  • Hours:

    Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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