1. Residents
  2. Water & Sewer

Ditches & Drainage



Please call 911 for any current condition with life threatening and public safety implications suc as severe flooding over a roadway, flooding into buildings, roads washed out, rescue, and evacuation.


The following drainage issues listed below may be handled through the Huntsville Connect customer service app.

  • Ditches stopped up and overgrown
  • Trees along drainage ditch need cutting
  • Inlets clogged by debris
  • Broken pipe, grates, lids, and gutters
  • Storm drain lids and covers are off/missing
  • Standing water
  • Erosion problems on existing ditches
  • Flooding created by fences blocking flow
  • Drainage problems in existing developments not associated with any new development
  • Holes in yards/lawns over existing pipe
  • Drainage problems associated with new residential development, commercial development, subdivision development or new street construction such as: Storm water runoff, Mud resulting from storm water runoff, Storm water runoff from new house(s), Erosion from new development and/or buildings
  • Flooding in a house/business, garage/storm shed, street (exceeding 6″ depth)
  • Request for ditches to be piped or improved


The Engineering Division is responsible for drainage improvement projects to improve existing drainage facilities and ensuring that new development includes storm drainage facilities and storm runoff management that meets requirements of the City of Huntsville storm water regulations.

Drainage problems caused from heavy rainfall such as flooding of a house or business, extreme street flooding, or storm water getting extremely high and creating a hazard to the public are handled by the Public Works Department after the event has occurred. Please contact the City of Huntsville Police Department (256) 722-7100 or call 911 if there is an emergency requiring immediate response for safety.


The Engineering Division handles drainage problems that require an improvement to the existing drainage system and infrastructure. The City has a Capital Improvement Drainage Improvement Program that is funded to address miscellaneous drainage improvement projects. This includes large flood control projects such as the Aldridge Creek Channelization Project and small drainage projects that require only minor improvements and minor alterations to the existing drainage system. Engineering also manages engineering watershed modeling projects for all of the city’s major watersheds.

RELATED LINKS:  Water & Sewer, Storm Water Management, ePlans Submittal

  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Water Pollution Control Office

    1800 Vermont Road,

    Huntsville, AL

    View Map

  • Hours:

    Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

HSV Connect

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