1. Residents
  2. Neighborhoods

Code Enforcement

The Community Development Office is responsible for enforcing the City’s Codes & Ordinances related to the following nuisances:

  • Unsafe buildings
  • Substandard housing
  • Junk and litter
  • Tall grass and weeds
  • Inoperative motor vehicles
  • Abatement of public nuisances
  • Graffiti
  • Fences
  • Swimming Pools

Summary of Ordinances Enforced by Code Enforcement

Request an Extension

If you receive a property violation notice from Code Enforcement, you can request an extension from the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. You may also submit a written request that includes your property’s location, notice date and notice number. Explain the hardship or reason for the extension and specify the additional time needed. You can mail your request to Community Development, P.O. Box 308, Huntsville, AL 35804, or deliver it in person to Community Development on the third floor of City Hall, 305 Fountain Circle. Ensure your request is filed within the timeframe given on the violation notice. For questions, email comdev@huntsvilleal.gov or call 256-427-5400.


Nuisance Property Liens

Properties in violation of the City of Huntsville Nuisance Codes for grass and weeds, junk and litter, or housing code violations are cited by Community Development to correct the problem. If owners either fail or refuse to voluntarily comply, the City will abate the nuisance and place a lien against the property. This action requires City Council approval. Nuisance liens are posted on the City Council agendas.

If you would like to report a nuisance property, please use our Huntsville Connect customer service application.

Unsafe Buildings

View active reports of unsafe buildings within the City of Huntsville. The information on this site has been made available for law enforcement and official purposes only. Please do not print, copy, re-transmit, disseminate, or otherwise use this information for reasons other than official business.

The Community Development Department enforces City ordinances by issuing notices which are related to unsafe buildings, substandard housing, junk and litter, tall grass and weeds, overweight truck parking, inoperative motor vehicles on right of way, and the abatement of public nuisances. This site contains a list of all active unsafe buildings within the City of Huntsville. The information on this site has been made available for law enforcement and official purposes only. Please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate or otherwise use this information for reasons other than official business.

Unsafe Buildings

RELATED LINKS: Action Plans, Reports and Citizen Participation, Community Development Block GrantHomeless ResourcesHousing, Public Safety, Zoning

  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Community Development

    Huntsville City Hall

    3rd Floor

    305 Fountain Circle

    Huntsville, AL 35801

  • Email:


    Scott Erwin


  • Hours:

    Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

HSV Connect

Report a problem or submit a service request using Huntsville Connect

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