1. Residents
  2. Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Associations


The objective of the Huntsville Citywide Council of Neighborhood Associations is to promote and foster participation and communication as a neutral liaison among neighborhood associations/organizations, elected representatives of the City, and Huntsville City staff to facilitate the resolution of neighborhood problems. The Council shall function to:

  • Create a partnership between the City and its neighborhoods.
  • Strengthen and coordinate City departments’ responses to neighborhood problems and requests for help.
  • Foster cooperation and consensus among diverse interests within neighborhoods and to encourage the constructive settlement of disputes involving neighborhood groups, the City, and others.
  • Facilitate communication between the neighborhoods regarding common concerns.
  • Identify other/possible neighborhood associations.
  • Mentor new/evolving neighborhood associations.


A neighborhood association is defined as an organization that is comprised of members of the community with at least one elected officer, joined together for the purpose of problem-solving and the betterment of the neighborhood.

  • A neighborhood association should have at least one official representative to the Huntsville Citywide Council of Neighborhood Associations. This representative is elected by a minimum of five residents of that association.
  • The neighborhood association shall keep the Huntsville Citywide Council of Neighborhood Associations notified of the name and contact information of their representative.
  • The neighborhood association shall have defined boundaries. However, there is no minimum or maximum geographic size.
  • The neighborhood association shall meet at least once a year.
  • All affected residents within the association boundaries shall be notified of neighborhood meetings.


The Huntsville City Wide Neighborhood Association Council shall meet on a regular basis on the third Tuesday of each month.

The officers of the Council shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. For voting purposes, a quorum shall consist of that number of member Association representatives in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting. Each member Association in attendance shall be afforded one vote.

Officers shall be appointed for the first year by the Mayor or his designee and shall serve a term of one year. Thereafter, officer positions shall be filled by nomination and election by a popular vote of the Council membership.

Chair: Lyle Voyles 


Blossomwood Valley Civic Association
2nd Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. / 123 North Side Square

Chaffee Community Civic Association
4th Monday at 6:30 p.m. / Community Baptist Church, Logan Drive

Cornerstone Initiative
120 Holmes Ave, Suite 301


East Mastin Lake Homeowners/Renters Association
1st Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. / Solid Rock Church, 403 Treymore Avene

Edmonton Heights
2nd Monday / Madison City Comm. Dist., 6 Hi Lo Drive

English Village Civic Association
The Dwelling Place

Farley Community Neighborhood
1st Tuesday/ South Precinct

Fleming Meadows/Westbury Estates Civic Association
Quarterly / Whitesburg P-8 School Cafeteria

Five Points Historic District Association
Doctrinal Bible Church, 1215 Russell St./ 6 p.m.

Garden Parks Apartments Association
2301 Blue Springs Road

Green Mountain Civic League
Fire House, Nature Trail 7 p.m.

Holiday Homes Neighborhood Association
1st Monday at 6:30 p.m. / All Nations Church, 3614 Drake Avenue

Meadow Hills Initiative
Richard Showers Center – Community Room

Merrimack Mill Village Organization
2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m. / Huntsville Park Baptist Church

Monte Sano Civic Association
3rd Monday @ 6:30 p.m. Board Of Dir.ector Meeting at State Lodge
3rd Tuesday of April & October Regular Meeting at State Lodge

Mount Charron Homeowners Association
Last Monday in September at 6:30 p.m. / Richard Showers Recreation Center

Mount Vernon Heights Civic Association 
3rd Thursday, Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec. @ 2452 Mt. Vernon Rd. @ 6:30 p.m.

Northeast Huntsville Civic Association
4th Tuesday, Jan. Apr. Jul. & Aug., Oct. / Optimist Park Recreation Center on Oakwood 7 p.m.

Old Town
3rd Monday at 7 p.m.

Redstone Heights Civic Association 
Last Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Rock Creek 

Sherwood Park Civic Association 
4th Tuesday / 332 Forest Park Ct. 35806

Terry Heights/Hillandale Neighborhood
Quarterly – Meadow Drive Baptist Church

Triana Village Association
1st Tuesday, Friendship Baptist Church 3217 Village Drive, 6:30 p.m.

Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association 
2nd Tuesday, Weeden House

University Park Homeowner’s Association
2nd Monday, University Baptist Church, 6:30 p.m.

West Huntsville/Lowe Mill Civic Association
August and November / Central Baptist Church, 9th Ave. & 1st, 6 p.m.

Westlawn Civic Association
2nd Monday, 2007 14th Street, 6 p.m.

Whitesburg Estates
April 17, July 17, & Oct 16 / Hillwood Baptist Church 6:30 p.m.

RELATED LINKS:  Code Enforcement, Public Safety, Zoning

  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Huntsville City Hall

    7th Floor

    305 Fountain Circle

    Huntsville, AL 35801

  • Email:


    Dr. Randy Barbour, Jr.

    Multicultural Affairs Director

  • Hours:

    Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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