1. Residents
  2. Streets & Transportation

Neighborhood Traffic Calming

The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) uses positive methods of speed tables, geometry, and/or landscaping to alter the negative effects that traffic flow creates in a residential area. The negative effect most often occurs when motorists use a local street as a shortcut between arterials and by motorists who travel faster than the posted neighborhood speed limit. This unnecessary neighborhood thru-traffic by motorists traveling at unsafe speeds, on streets designed primarily for local access to properties poses safety hazards. 

To determine if your residential street qualifies for the NTCP complete the form below.

Traffic Calming Request Form

If the project is approved, the City of Huntsville Traffic Engineering Division will provide installation of traffic calming devices using funding allocated for the NTCP each fiscal year.

If [the] street is located in a community with an active Homeowners Association (HOA), the Form must be completed by a representative of the HOA, who will be the Contact.

To get a better idea of how the process for this type of request is handled, view the:

Traffic Calming Flow Chart




  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Traffic Engineering Office

    2100 Clinton Ave W

    Huntsville, AL 35805

    View Map

  • Hours:

    Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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