1. Development
  2. Streets & Roadwork

Repaving & Street Repair


To submit a complaint about road conditions, please visit Huntsville Connect, our customer service request center.


The City of Huntsville has over 3,200 lane miles of paved roadway within its boundaries. Public Works surveys each street at least once every two years by a team of asphalt inspectors and changes in the surface condition are recorded and compared against all others in the City.

The street receives a survey score based upon a “First to Worst” approach that indicates the overall condition of the street compared to all other streets within the system.

The rating scale is from zero to 60, with zero representing the best conditions and 60 comprising the worst. The road’s condition, along with data on the volume of traffic, is factored into a combined score that determines the priority for resurfacing the street.

Based upon these ratings, the City of Huntsville Public Works Department comprises a working list of streets for resurfacing.


The patching or filling of ruts or holes in the pavement is an essential function of the Public Works Department. Pothole repair preserves the integrity and safety of City streets and improves the riding quality for motorists. To report a pothole, please use the Huntsville Connect service request program.


A depression or sink in the roadway is usually an indication that the base material beneath the riding surface has been compromised. When this occurs, the depression must be excavated, the old base material removed, and new material installed before the riding surface can be replaced.


This activity is performed to facilitate the efficient flow of storm water to the drainage inlets. This work is generally performed prior to resurfacing a street or when a section of curbing is damaged or deteriorated to the extent that it impedes the flow of water.

Visit our Roadwork Update page for a list of road projects and improvements that could impact your travel.

For additional information on major state road projects in the area, visit the Alabama Department of Transportation Road Projects and Programs webpage.

  • Phone:


  • Address:

    Public Works Office

    4209 East Schrimsher Lane SW

    Huntsville, AL 35805

    View Map

  • Email:


    Chris McNeese

    Director of Public Works

  • Hours:

    Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. – 4 p.m.

HSV Connect

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