Growing services for Hispanic and Latino community
Published on January 25, 2024
The City of Huntsville’s Hispanic Latino Advisory Council has big plans as it prepares for its first meeting of 2024.
Launched in 2021 as part of the City’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the new leadership of the HLAC is striving to be advocates with City leaders for their community.
“Our mission is to be the eyes and ears for the Mayor and City Council as it pertains to the needs of the Latino community,” said Marcos Almonte Perez, the new chair of the HLAC.
Other new office holders include Vice Chair Tere Lozano and Secretary Francis Perez.
“HLAC is excited to be part of Huntsville office of DEI and join the other city advisory boards and councils in 2024 and continue to be a part of the best city in the greatest country in the world,” Marcos Perez said.
According to U.S. Census estimates last year, Hispanics and Latinos make up 6.4 percent of the City’s population. Marcos Perez said the HLAC wants to take a leadership role in helping the City meet the needs of Latino community.
“With a growing population comes a growing need for services and language access,” Marcos Perez said. “HLAC is well positioned to listen, take note, and advise the Mayor and the City with the hopes that Huntsville can be on the forefront of creating a sustainable environment where Latino families and others can thrive. We have a unique opportunity to be proactive vs. reactive as many other cities have been on these issues. HLAC believes that Huntsville can be a leader, not only in aerospace, defense and manufacturing but a leader in being a model of what a city of, by and for all people really looks like.”
The HLAC will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday at City Council chambers located at 308 Fountain Circle. Aside from monthly meetings at City Hall, Marcos Perez said the HLAC will hold quarterly meetings in different City Council districts.
To learn more about the HLAC, visit their Facebook page.