News & Updates
Huntsville Parks & Recreation to host free MLK Youth Basketball Clinic
December 29, 2023
Aspiring young basketball stars looking to sharpen their skills on the court are encouraged to sign up for Huntsville Parks & Recreation’s MLK Youth Basketball Clinic. The event is Sunday, Jan. 14, from 1-4 p.m. at the Dr. Richard Showers, Sr., Recreation Center, 4600 Blue Springs Road, Huntsville. Led by experienced coaches, the free clinic is open to boys and girls ages 7-13. A donation of a canned food item is requested, [more]
Read MoreIt’s time! Huntsville Business License renewals due by Jan. 31
December 28, 2023
Attention Huntsville business owners – it’s once again time to renew operating licenses for 2024. The deadline for renewal without penalty is Jan. 31. Through the City of Huntsville’s user-friendly online portal, a streamlined renewal process makes it easier than ever to do business in Huntsville. “Since the onset of the pandemic, our online portal has helped thousands renew their licenses at their desk – no stamps or envelopes necessary” said Penny [more]
Read MoreHuntsville municipal offices closed Jan. 1 for New Year’s holiday
December 28, 2023
The City of Huntsville’s municipal offices will close Monday, Jan. 1, for the New Year’s holiday. This includes Animal Services, Huntsville Transit and Municipal Court. Offices will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2. The closure will affect the following City services: Garbage Collection: Residential collection will be delayed one day the week of Jan. 1-5. Residents should leave carts at the curb until they are collected. Parks & Recreation: Recreation centers and facilities [more]
Read MoreHuntsville action to enhance living conditions of low-income residents, seniors
December 21, 2023
Living conditions for some Huntsville residents will greatly improve, thanks to a program that funds improvement projects for owners of low-income rental housing who seek to rehabilitate their multifamily properties. City Council on Thursday voted to authorize $4 million in Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA2) Program funds to Meridian Commons Ltd., which owns the Huntsville Summit Apartments. Located at the corner of Walker Avenue and Meridian Street, the building contains 100 units [more]
Read MoreHuntsville municipal offices closed Dec. 25 for Christmas
December 21, 2023
The City of Huntsville’s municipal offices will close Monday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas holiday. This includes Animal Services, Huntsville Transit and Municipal Court. Offices will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 26. The closure will affect the following City services: Garbage Collection: Residential collection will be delayed one day the week of Dec. 25-29. Residents should leave carts at the curb until they are collected. Parks & Recreation: Recreation centers and facilities will close Dec. [more]
Read More‘Do your part’: Operation Christmas Cleanup set for Jan. 6
December 20, 2023
Don’t trash that tree! Operation Christmas Cleanup is back to ensure live trees and other renewable materials are disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. Two locations will accept items from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 6: John Hunt Park, 2315 Airport Road, and Madison City Schools Stadium, 211 Celtic Drive. Accepted items include: Live trees with lights and ornaments removed Flattened cardboard Batteries Electronics Items that won’t be accepted include artificial trees, lights, [more]
Read MoreClimb, slide, swing and run at Huntsville’s newest, Santa-approved playground
December 19, 2023
The City of Huntsville’s newest playground opened with great fanfare at the Sandra Moon Community Complex during a ribbon-cutting ceremony with City leaders, led by caroling children and Santa Claus. “Just in time for the holidays, we are delighted to present this amazing playground to the children of Huntsville,” Mayor Tommy Battle said. “We hope it will bring joy and inspire imagination for many years to come.” The beautiful new 18,000-square-foot playground [more]
Read MoreGet ready: New hands-free driving law to take effect Jan. 1 in Huntsville
December 14, 2023
Heads up, Huntsville drivers. Starting Jan. 1, 2024, the City’s new hands-free ordinance will prohibit motorists from holding any wireless telecommunications device while operating a vehicle. The ordinance, sponsored by Huntsville City Council President David Little with assistance from the Huntsville Police Department (HPD), was voted into law by City Council on Oct. 12, 2023. The goal of the legislation is to enable law enforcement to treat a handheld wireless communication [more]
Read MoreHuntsville Police cites 16 convenience stores for underage alcohol sales
December 13, 2023
The Huntsville Police Department (HPD) recently cited 16 convenience stores for selling alcohol to minors. The citations were issued as part of a five-hour operation conducted Tuesday, Dec. 12. HPD Community Relations Officers (CROs) and two juveniles visited 44 stores to determine if employees would sell alcohol to a minor. The juveniles were honest about their ages and showed identification when asked by employees. The following stores were cited: 801 Airport Road 513 Drake [more]
Read MoreHuntsville Parks & Recreation giving the gift of time to busy parents, guardians
December 13, 2023
If you’re a parent or guardian with too many items on your holiday to-do list and not enough time to do them, Huntsville Parks & Recreation is here to help. The department will host two Parents Night Out events and a Drop & Shop this month, allowing parents to drop children off for fun-filled evenings with trained Parks & Recreation staff in a safe environment. Space is limited, so parents and [more]
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