News & Updates
Huntsville Police release report on community suggestions and recommendations
July 31, 2020
The Huntsville Police Department has released its report to address 28 community suggestions and recommendations about the department’s policies, procedures and techniques. The questions came from several different organizations in the community following the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. READ: HPD Response to Community Input “Huntsville police strive to maintain a culture of continuous improvement,” said Police Chief Mark McMurray. “We recognize this can only be accomplished through routine engagement [more]
Read MoreShelter pets are virtually the best Study Buddies
July 31, 2020
Huntsville Animal Services is offering a new pet adoption promotion for the month of August. Just in time for school to start, we believe our pets are virtually the Best Study Buddies. Don’t miss out on this perfect opportunity to adopt a Shelter pet and save a life. Adoption fees have been reduced to $5 to $15. Some exceptions may apply. Each adopted animal receives a free bag of pet food. The animal is microchipped for pet identification, [more]
Read MorePolice presentation on operations, training and initiatives
July 29, 2020
Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray and his Command staff presented an overview of police department operations, accreditations, policies, hiring and training practices and initiatives to Mayor Tommy Battle and City Council during a Council work session on July 29. View the police presentation in City Video. View the powerpoint presentation HERE.
Read MoreHuntsville Finance Director reviews COVID-19 impact on municipal budget
July 29, 2020
As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, the City of Huntsville continues to fare well and tackle fiscal challenges that arise throughout the pandemic. That was the consensus on Wednesday, July 29, during a special City Council work session with Director of Finance Penny Smith, who provided an update on the financial impact of the coronavirus outbreak. “Overall, we have faced the challenges of COVID-19 well,” she said. “We’ve held our own because of [more]
Read MoreCommunity Message from the Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory Council
July 27, 2020
The Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory Council (HPCAC) in accordance with City Council Resolution 20-512, which directs the HPCAC to produce a report concerning the events from May 30, 2020 to June 5, 2020, would like to update the community on actions taken thus far. Since the resolution was passed, the HPCAC has met to begin its review of the relevant Huntsville Police Department policies as well as other documentation of the [more]
Read MoreWorried about voting during COVID-19? Apply for an absentee ballot today
July 23, 2020
Citizens concerned about the COVID-19 outbreak may avoid the polls by casting an absentee ballot for the August 25 municipal election. Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill said anyone who wishes to vote by absentee ballot due to COVID-19 should mark the box stating they have a physical illness or infirmity that prevents their attendance at the polls on their application. “We’re grateful to our state leadership for extending the eligibility requirements [more]
Read MoreHuntsville Police Department applying for a United States Dept. of Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
July 20, 2020
The Huntsville Police Department, of the City of Huntsville, Alabama, will be applying for a United States Dept. of Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $142,242.00. The City of Huntsville will be dividing the award amount 50/50 with the Madison County Commission. This grant will fund the purchase of equipment upgrades to be used by the Huntsville Police Dept. The City Council of the City of Huntsville, [more]
Read MoreIntroducing “Orbit” and “Access” for fixed route and paratransit service
July 16, 2020
After thirty years in service, Huntsville Shuttle and HandiRide services have a new look and new names. The Huntsville Shuttle is now “Orbit” while HandiRide’s moniker has changed to “Access.” The rebranding efforts are part of a larger, five-phase Transit Improvement Plan that includes expanded fixed route and paratransit service, a new mobile app, additional transit hubs and the elimination of underutilized routes. Additional improvements to Huntsville’s public transportation offerings include [more]
Read MorePetco Foundation donates $40,000 to Huntsville Animal Services
July 15, 2020
Huntsville Animal Services is honored to be recognized by the Petco Foundation for its lifesaving work with homeless pets in Huntsville. A $40,000 investment was issued in March 2020 to aid the shelter in finding loving homes for Huntsville’s shelter dogs and cats. As a partner with the Petco Foundation, Huntsville Animal Services will be able to provide inhouse spay and neuter for shelter pets in order to get them [more]
Read MoreMissing Person
July 15, 2020
Huntsville Police is looking for a missing person. Sharon Michelle Copeland Hardee left her residence on June 30, 2020 and has not returned. She was last seen in the area of Ivy Avenue in Huntsville, AL. Her direction of travel is unknown at this time. If anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of Sharon Michelle Copeland Hardee, please contact the Huntsville Police Department at (256) 427-5448. Hardee flyer
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