B&E To Auto Crime Prevention
Published on July 14, 2020

Huntsville Police want to remind the public that locking vehicle doors can significantly reduce the possibility of being a victim of a vehicle burglary (B&E to Auto). We recently evaluated our B&E to Auto crime stats and saw a significant decrease city wide for the second quarter of 2020 as compared to the second quarter of 2019. There was a 41% decrease in B&E to Auto cases city wide during this time.
As we continue through the summer months, we ask citizens to remain vigilant in locking vehicle doors and removing valuables and weapons from your vehicle, especially firearms. Stolen firearms from vehicles easily equip criminals and are the cause of many secondary crimes, to include robberies and shootings. We recently were called to the area of Limestone Creek Apartments near I565 and arrested 3 individuals for B&E auto. In that case a firearm that was used to fire at citizens before officers arrival was discovered as being stolen from a vehicle in another jurisdiction this past May. For more on this case visit >>> https://bit.ly/3fwzIBc