Huntsville Police Offer Safe Halloween Tips with Treats
Published on October 26, 2017

Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray has increased Police patrols in neighborhoods for families celebrating Halloween. Huntsville has been very fortunate over the years not to have any incidents involving motorists or children and our Officers will be monitoring traffic and children to keep that safe record.
North Precinct will host their Halloween Event from 6-8 pm at the Lakewood Community Center located at 3601 Kenwood Drive on Tuesday October 31, 2017.
South Precinct located at 7900 Bailey Cove Rd will host their Halloween event on Monday, October 30, 2017 from 5 pm until 7 pm.
West Precinct will host a “Haunted House” from 5 pm until 7 pm at their precinct located at 2110 Clinton Avenue on Tuesday October 31, 2017.
Huntsville Police recommend that parents go over the following safety tips with their children to assure that everyone has a safe and happy Halloween.
Children Should: Cross only at corners or marked crosswalks, never cross the street between parked vehicles, never go into a stranger’s house, watch out for cars backing or turning, wear bright colored clothing and use a flashlight.
Drivers Should: Keep an eye open for children who forget the rules, use caution when traveling and obey posted traffic signs especially in neighborhoods.
Parents Should: Instruct children not to open candy until they return home, inspect ALL candy for tampering, adults should accompany children, discuss the route their children should be taking and most important, explain the difference between tricks and vandalism (especially cemeteries).
Home Owners Should: Have a well-lit home both inside and out to prevent vandalism and injuries, remove all obstacles from their lawns to avoid injuries and don’t use candles in ornaments that could set a fire.
Sex Offenders: Parents can check their neighborhoods for known sex offenders by visiting