South Huntsville Neighborhood Clean Up Day April 13
Published on March 4, 2019
Our annual South Huntsville Clean Up Day will be on April 13 and we hope you will join us! Some of you have participated in the past and we welcome your participation again. To help us get ready for the Clean Up, please contact me in advance if you have any problem areas in your neighborhood including code violations (hanging gutters, peeling paint, overgrown vegetation, junk cars and appliances sitting in yards, overgrown grass and weeds, safety issues, fences in disrepair, etc.). We will report to the appropriate department for attention before our clean up day. The street sweeper will also visit neighborhoods if requested in advance.
We hope that each neighborhood will also put together a plan for beautifying their entrance including planting flowers, landscaping, painting/repairing signs, etc. Neighbors may also want to provide assistance to any aging/infirm neighbors who have a hard time caring for their yards or may want to identify streets that need leaves cleared from gutters or weeds cleared from vacant lots or other areas. Neighborhood parks may also need clean up. It’s your neighborhood. You create the plan.
Please come to the Sandra Moon Complex parking lot (old Grissom High School) on Bailey Cove Road the morning of April 13 starting at 8:00 a.m. to pick up trash bags, gloves, pick up sticks to help you in your clean up. You can even pick up extra to take to your neighborhood for distribution. Green Team will have snacks and water as well.
Any debris cleaned up that day can be gathered and set out in trash bags in front of houses for regular weekly pick up. Large yard waste (tree limbs and branches) can be stacked on the curb for pick up. Old appliances can also be put out for pick up. The boom truck will be making extra trips that morning.
Hazardous chemicals and electronics (computers, TVs, monitors, etc) may be brought to the Green Team trailer at the Sandra Moon Complex parking lot between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. on April 13 for delivery to the Hazardous Waste Disposal building.
If your neighborhood is in good shape, please come to Ditto Landing to help with cleanup efforts there. The winter weather created some challenges and we welcome your help cleaning up at Ditto that day as well!
Send me an email if you have any questions We would love to have you join us in this effort! South Huntsville always looks better when we finish.