Stats & Facts – Week of March 11, 2017
Published on March 15, 2017

Read time: 1 minute
How many engines?
Toyota assembled its 5 millionth engine, that’s enough engines to stretch from Huntsville to Los Angeles, and enough engines to supply every registered vehicle in Alabama.
Green boom
Venture capital (VC) funds funneled $834 million into the clean-energy industry last year, the third consecutive annual increase and the most since Bloomberg New Energy Finance started collecting data in 2004. For a second year, VC for green projects surpassed private equity, which dropped to its lowest level since at least 2004.
Blue Star
The Blue Star Crime Free Multi-Housing program is being established by the Huntsville Police Department. It’s designed to reward good stewardship by landlords and to help steer potential tenants into safe housing. To acquire Blue Star designation, an apartment complex must comply with various regulations and standards.
For the kids
Dinosaur Den, an indoor amusement park, is set to open in North Huntsville at the corner of Memorial Parkway and Max Luther. It will have bumper cars, small rides, and a train track.
Stats & Facts is a weekly series covering City of Huntsville economic development announcements, relevant national and regional statistics that could impact the Rocket City region and informational nuggets that span industries. It is compiled by Business Relations Officer Harrison Diamond.