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April 2020 – Monthly Development Review

Published on May 8, 2020

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Industrial projects capped a busy month of non-residential projects permitted. Residential CO’s increased year-over-year.

Residential Permits (new construction) in Huntsville city limits:

In April, 181 housing units were permitted, 95 single- and 86 multi-family. The top tract for building permits last month was 106.12 (72 West) where 63 units were permitted, 7 single- and 56 multi-family. This is a 58.8% decrease over April 2019, when 439 housing units (152 single- and 287 multi-family) were permitted.

Residential Certificates of Occupancy (new construction) in Huntsville city limits:

143 housing units were granted certificates of occupancy (CO’s), 128 single- and 15 multi-family. The top tract for CO’s in the month of April was 109.05 (Hampton Cove) where 20 housing units were added, all single-family. This is a 10% increase from April 2019, when 130 housing units (108 single- and 22 multi-family) were granted CO’s.

Non-Residential Permits Over $100,000 in Huntsville city limits

Orange:  Contract amount greater than $1 Million

Green:  Contract amount between $500,000-$999,999

Blue: Contract amount between $100,000-$499,999

Contract amounts are approximated. Data source: City of Huntsville Inspections Department

Having trouble viewing the map? Want to look at permits from previous months? Check out our Map App.

Note: This will be the last Development Review update using 2010 Census Tract boundaries. The April update will use the 2020 Census Tract boundaries, which are now available for review at maps.huntsvilleal.gov.