Find your BOO: Huntsville Animal Services getting festive to help long-time shelter dogs find forever homes
Published on October 24, 2019

UPDATE (October 31, 2019): Long-time shelter dogs Hulu and Sylvia are still looking for forever homes this Halloween. Thanks to your help, Gus and Truvy from Huntsville Animal Services’ “Find you BOO” campaign have finally found loving families.
Due to continued construction at the Huntsville Animal Shelter, Animal Services remains overcapacity with 68 animals available for adoption, including 50 dogs. Call Huntsville Animal Services at (256) 883-3782 or visit the shelter in person at 4950 Triana Boulevard for more information. All medium to large-sized dogs at the Huntsville Animal Shelter are currently free to adopt.
It’s no trick; Huntsville Animal Services is hoping a special photography treat might help four long-time shelter dogs finally find forever homes.
Teaming up with the City’s Historic Preservation Commission, adoptable dogs Gus, Sylvia, Hulu and Truvy got a short break from shelter life this week for a Halloween-themed photo and video shoot in Huntsville’s Twickenham and Old Town Historic Districts.
“Our historic districts provide some of Huntsville’s best views and atmosphere, and many homeowners in the district go all out to celebrate festive occasions like Halloween,” said Katie Stamps, City of Huntsville Preservationist. “October happens to also be Huntsville History Month, and we thought ‘If we can highlight our historic districts and find loving homes for Huntsville’s shelter dogs at the same time, that’s a win-win scenario.”
Karen Buchan, Animal Care Supervisor at Huntsville Animal Services, said the four dogs featured in the photo shoot need extra help finding homes. Classified as “hard cases,” these dogs have either been subject to abuse, are older or have been passed over at the shelter for far too long.
“Any time we can get dogs out of the shelter – whether it’s just briefly for a photoshoot, via a foster program or best case by adoption – it benefits their state-of-mind and overall well being,” Buchan said. “We’re really thrilled to partner with the Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission to bring attention to the importance of animal adoption, fostering and volunteering.”
Interested in adopting Hulu, Truvy, Sylvia or Gus? Call Huntsville Animal Services at (256) 883-3782 for more information. All medium to large-sized dogs at the Huntsville Animal Shelter are currently free to adopt due to ongoing construction, including the four featured in this photoshoot.
[NEEDS FOREVER HOME] Pictured at “The Wilder House” on Newman Avenue – Adoptable Dog Hulu and Huntsville Animal Services Youth Volunteer Lyra
District: Twickenham
Hulu, animal ID# A510949, is a “seasoned” guy with an old right leg fracture. He is terrified at the shelter, but improving every day. Hulu is eight years old and weights around 55 pounds.
Built c. 1929, this Craftsman-style bungalow features brick veneer walls, three-over-one and four-over-one sash windows and bracketed eaves. The bungalow’s colorful pumpkins and festive twinkle lights welcomed Lyra and Hulu on their trick-or-treating adventure.
[ADOPTED!] Pictured on Clinton Avenue – Adoptable Dog Gus and Huntsville Animal Services Volunteer Brian
District: Old Town
Gus, animal ID# A510457, is a handsome, neutered male. He can seem intense (look at that serious face!), but he is an absolute gentleman. He walks well on a leash and will promptly sit for treats. He thinks belly rubs are pretty awesome too. Gus is two years old and weighs about 50 pounds.
Brian and Gus enjoyed a spooky stroll down a tree-lined brick sidewalk in the Old Town Historic District. Brick sidewalks are a unique and significant feature within Huntsville’s historic districts. Clinton Avenue runs all the way through the Old Town and Five Points.
[NEEDS FOREVER HOME] Pictured at the “Nolen House” on Clinton Avenue – Adoptable Dog Sylvia and Huntsville Animal Services Volunteers Lauren and Alcott
District: Old Town
Sylvia, animal ID# A511063, is a sweet and calm good girl who is desperately waiting for her forever home. She’ll do well in a home with or without children. She’s between 7 and 8 years old and weighs about 55 pounds.
This c. 1900 bungalow has a prominent center gable, shingle and weatherboard siding and brick foundation. Lauren, Alcott and Sylvia felt right at home in the recessed transomed entrance decorated with giant spiders and a pair of stylish skeletons and their loyal skeleton dogs.
[ADOPTED!] Pictured at the “Bernstein-Batt House” on Clinton Avenue – Adoptable Dog Truvy and Huntsville Animal Services Lead Care Attendant Kelly
District: Old Town
Truvy, animal ID# A510730, lights up when attention comes her way. She matches her energy to the room and has such kind and sweet eyes. She appears to have been unethically used as a breeding dog and is looking for a forever home that includes lots of cuddles, kindness and love. Truvy is about four years old and weighs about 45 pounds.
The brick on this c. 1888 Victorian cottage was recycled from the demolition of a c. 1860 Memphis and Charleston Railroad roundhouse. Shingles and Gothic tracery in the front gable overlook the colorful collection of inflatable Halloween characters in the front yard. The fire hydrant was a must-see attraction for Kelly and Truvy.
View all of the City of Huntsville’s adoptable pets.
About Huntsville Animal Services
Huntsville Animal Services is located at 4950 Triana Boulevard. Follow Huntsville Animal Services on Facebook and Instagram. Want to help support the mission of Huntsville Animal Services but can’t adopt? Fill out this form to volunteer at Huntsville Animal Services. Find Huntsville Animal Services online at
About the Historic Huntsville Preservation Commission
The mission of the Huntsville Historic Preservation Commission is to preserve Huntsville’s historic assets, educate the public on matters of historic preservation, and cultivate partnerships with grassroots organizations.
Connect with the Preservation Commission on Facebook and Instagram.